Machan Group Awarded NSF Grant

Today, a Notice of Award was recieved for our proposal to the NSF Division of Chemistry Catalysis Program: 2102156  - CAS: Developing Homogeneous Mn Catalyst Systems for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction. We are thrilled for this support to continue our efforts in advancing homogeneous electrocatalysis of the ORR!

Non-Technical Summary:

With the support of the Chemical Catalysis program in the Division of Chemistry, Professor Charles W. Machan of the University of Virginia is studying the catalytic reduction of dioxygen by molecular manganese compounds. The reduction of dioxygen is important for producing energy from chemical bonds: the oxidation of energy-rich molecules in fuel cells is generally paired with the reduction of dioxygen, generating water as a benign co-product. The current best catalysts for this reaction are based on platinum metal, which is too precious and expensive for large-scale viability. In the search for earth-abundant alternatives, molecular catalysts containing iron and cobalt have been studied extensively, however, manganese versions of these systems are more poorly understood. Manganese metal centers have strong interactions with dioxygen and with proper understanding could demonstrate catalytic activity which rivals or exceeds that of iron and cobalt. These studies will achieve this by developing design principles for dioxygen reduction by manganese complexes, enabling optimized systems with improved performance. Integrated into these efforts is a research-focused educational outreach program, which will develop a scientific communication training program and a research-based lab experience. The integrated research and educational components will address fundamental challenges for the field and priorities of the current NSF Strategic Plan, with the goal of maximizing the health, environmental and economic benefits of renewable energy technologies.